Mix Match Me Please!

I love it when an online fashion store challenges the boundaries of shopping online, its a very rare occurence that it is challenged in a new way. It really surprises me how little the big, well-known fashion brands try. You’d think the likes of ASOS.com would create innovative experiences a lot, being that they’re the most popular fashion outlet… perhaps they think that their market doesn’t need fancy tools or fun ways to shop online? judging by their product listing pages I’d say I’m right! But, as a shopper in their target market I’ll stamp my feet and demand more! I want something new!

A while ago I stumbled across a really fun and practical tool that aims to break the virtual shopping barrier. The tool is by MixMatchMe and this is in use for boden.co.uk http://boden.mixmatchme.com/MME/boden/home.aspx and also French Connection http://fcuk.mixmatchme.com/MME/fcuk/home.aspx. In short, its great!

The tool allows you to dress a virtual model from head to toe! It also allows layering, which looks really effective. As far as I can tell they use the same model on all versions, which is something to improve on (customisation please, I’m blonde!).

I think this tool will really help raise AOV (average order value) because its the virtual method of visual merchandising, offline have mannequins, online have MixMatchMe. Granted this tool probably wouldnt work for all brands, I doubt men would bother, but us girls love playing dress up so I urge more fashion brands to jump on the bandwagon!