H&M UK Online Store Review

Today I received a VIP invite to shop online at H&M’s brand new online store, which is due to launch on 16th September 2010. Here is a peak at the landing page:

At first glance it’s a safe bet. Simplistic, basic and on-brand for H&M that takes their high street stores online consistently as well as following suit with their European ecommerce websites. Plus, no use of flash which is a thumbs up from me.

Interestingly they’ve added a level between the product listing page and the product detail page on some product options. The extra level shows related items and “you might also like” style options. At first this threw me and I wondered whether the preview was going to allow me to shop, but once I clicked an item from this level it took me to the product detail page.

The product detail page is simple. They haven’t made much of the zoom functionality, it doesn’t allow visitors to manoeuvre around the item, it only offers one zoom area which I assume is to get a feel for fabric and print. There aren’t alternative image options either, which is disappointing.

I like the “post to blog” link on product detail pages, this is interesting. How they manage their affiliate marketing will be one to watch and I’m sure the “post to blog” tool will positively aid success with affiliates.

So I’m making my purchases. I’ve been looking for an aviator jacket and H&M have a perfect match for me! Plus, I didn’t know H&M did homeware until now so I’m buying a gorgeous floral printed towel. Using the “post to blog” tool, this is what I’m buying…

Visit hm.com

Visit hm.com

Oo a sneaky call-to-action in the “post to blog” code, I like it!

I’m at the checkout and at this point the additional product suggestions displayed in “Something for you” suit me enough to encourage me to click on them (I’m on the hunt for camel coloured outerwear). I like how the suggested items on the checkout page don’t navigate you away from this area, this will help keep the customer focused on the goal of check out.

I decided against adding any of the items shown, so I click “Go to checkout”. I’m surprised at this point to see another “suggested items” pop-up, especially as the items suggested are bland, this feature is unnecessary, so I ignore it.

I’m registering to purchase, surprised that they ask if I’m over 18 and if I have children. I don’t have children, but I’ve ticked the box because I’m intrigued. Another dropdown appears after this asking the year “my children” were born for up to 4 children. I put the age of my niece… perhaps they’ll send marketing e-mails each year relevant to her age? I hope so.

I’m now at the stage of “check your order” and its telling me delivery timescales. Disappointingly, my aviator jacket won’t be dispatched until early October, what if I was moving house by this date? I’ve gone ahead anyway, because I really want that jacket!

I’m surprised again when I get to payment method. They’re allowing me to pay monthly after delivery with 45 days credit, so I don’t have to give them any payment details at all!? I’ve made the transaction on this option because I don’t want to pay for something I won’t receive until October, so watch this space! I’ll update this post when I receive my new purchases…

Overall I think I’m satisfied with H&M’s online offering. Its a brand that doesn’t need to try hard because they consistently deliver. To me, H&M isn’t distinctive, its value for money and sits centre in the fashion triangle with topshop, gap and primark delivering somthing for everyone in these markets. Fashionable and on-trend like topshop, basic essentials like gap all delivered with similar price points, if not slighly higher, to primark.